







名稱 簡介





National Dropout Prevention Center/Network Home

「全美中輟防範中心」(National Dropout Prevention Center/Network):(一)成立於1986年,為中輟防範相關議題之情報中心,並提供專為提高學校畢業率而設計之多項策略。多年來,已發展成為一全國性協助學生成功完成學業之資源分享中心。(二)發表各種中輟相關資訊,積極執行研究計畫,出版研究結果,並舉辦各種專業發展活動,提供中輟業務執行者、研究人員、決策者為配合中輟生的需要,而重新調整學校、社區間之各種資源。

The Hispanic Dropout Project (HDP)

In September of 1995, the U.S. Secretary of Education, Richard W. Riley, established the Department of Education's Hispanic Dropout Project. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the Hispanic Dropout Project's mission is to shed light on this national crisis, to produce concrete analyses and syntheses, and to recommend actions that can be taken at all levels in order to reduce the nation's dropout rate of Hispanic youth. The project is composed of seven independent individuals whose backgrounds include scholarly research, teaching, and administration across grade levels in U.S. schooling and post-secondary education.

The World of Dropout Prevention

The Broward County Public School system serves students at-risk of dropping out of school in dropout prevention programs at the traditional school site and at special centers throughout the county. Program delivery models vary from site to site but are designed to provide intensive academic and motivational assistance in grades K-12. The main goal of these programs is to provide students with the necessary tools to foster personal, social and academic growth, thereby leading to a high school diploma. The Office of Dropout Prevention is committed to providing technical support to students, teachers, parents and administrators which meets the varied needs of at-risk youth.

Operation Graduation

Operation Graduation is the U.S. Army's initiative to improve the educational achievement of teens at-risk of dropping out of school. Operation Graduation endeavors to improve high school graduation rates and to promote a broader awareness of the importance of an education. The student-targeted PSAs, available in English and Spanish, use humor to show that dropping out of school has consequences and so it's better to stay in and graduate. These PSAs link to www.operationgraduation.com for guidance on a range of teen issues. The parent-targeted PSAs show that parental involvement and a little encouragement can go a long way.

Intercultural Development Research Association(IDRA)





於二00二年六月廿八日比利時荷語區通過教育機會均等法案(Act on Equal Educational Opportunities),使得學校能真正保障每位學生的機會均等。 

法國Continued-learning strategies(英文版)

« Continued-learning strategies »,由法國教育部發行,編入《國民教育資料庫》,可線上瀏覽。

